Modification(adding AI) tic_tac_tic game
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> /* WORKS TO DO FOR IMPROVING THIS GAME TO (HUMAN VS HUMAN) TO (HUMAN VS AI) To do task * make a function 1. to give random number for AI move 2. to check whether AI move is overwrite other player moves a. if overwriring then make a new random number b. if not leave it 3. check the patterns and if any 2 elements of same type in way example : --|--|-- 1 |2 |0 --|--|-- 4 |0 |6 --|--|-- 7 |8 |9 --|--|-- a. it will decide to win and place "0" at 7 --|--|-- 1 |2 |x --|--|-- 4 |x |6...