Snake water gun game
#include<conio.h> #include<time.h> int results(char you ,char computer){ if (you == computer){ return 0; } if (you == 'w'&&computer =='s'){ return -1; } else if (you == 's'&&computer== 'w'){ return 1; } else if (you == 'w'&&computer== 'g'){ return 1; } else if (you == 'g'&&computer =='w'){ return -1; } else if (you == 's'&&computer =='g'){ return -1; } else if (you == 'g'&&computer =='s'){ return 1; } return 2; } int main(){ char you ,computer ; int result,number; srand(time(0)); number = rand()%100; //system ("cls"); clrscr(); if (number<33){ computer = 'w'; } else if (number>33 && number <66){ computer = 's'; } else{ computer = 'g'; } printf("\nenter 's' for snake 'w' for water and 'g'for gun\n"); scanf("%c",&you); result = results(you,computer); printf ("computer chosse %c\n",computer); if (result == 0){ printf("macth draw\n"); } else if(result == 1){ printf("you win the macth\n"); } else if(result == -1){ printf("you lose the macth\n"); } else{ printf("you should type either 's' or 'g' or 'w'\n"); } //system ("cls"); getch(); return 0; }
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