Tic tac tic game
#include<conio.h> int gameover=1; char a[9] = {'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'}; char p1name[20],p2name[20]; char symbol1='x',symbol2 = '0'; int player1,player2,ch = 0; void input(); void show(); void win(); int main(){ clrscr(); printf("enter player 1 name : "); scanf("%s",p1name); printf("enter player 2 name : "); scanf("%s",p2name); while(gameover!= 0){ clrscr(); show(); input(); win(); } clrscr(); show(); win(); getch(); return 0; } void show(){ printf("\t\t\t\t TIC TAC TIC\n"); printf("\n\n"); printf("\t\t\t--|--|--\n"); printf("\t\t\t%c |%c |%c \n",a[0],a[1],a[2]); printf("\t\t\t--|--|--\n"); printf("\t\t\t%c |%c |%c \n",a[3],a[4],a[5]); printf("\t\t\t--|--|--\n"); printf("\t\t\t%c |%c |%c \n",a[6],a[7],a[8]); printf("\t\t\t--|--|--\n"); printf("\n%s: x",p1name); printf("\n%s : 0",p2name); } void input() { int i ; if (ch == 0) { printf("\n%s enter your choice",p1name); scanf("%d",&player1); ch = 1; } else { printf("\n%s enter your choice",p2name); scanf("%d",&player2); ch = 0; } if (ch == 1) { for(i=0;i<9;i++) { if(i== player1-1) { a[i]=symbol1; } } } else { for(i=0;i<9;i++) { if(i== player2-1) { a[i]=symbol2; } } } } void win(){ //012,345,678,036,147,258,048,246 if ( a[0] == 'x'&&a[1] == 'x'&&a[2]=='x') { printf("\n%s win the math",p1name); gameover = 0; } else if(a[3] == 'x'&&a[4] == 'x'&&a[5]=='x' ){ printf("\n%s win the math",p1name); gameover = 0 ; } else if ( a[6] == 'x'&&a[7] == 'x'&&a[8]=='x') { printf("\n%s win the math",p1name); gameover = 0; } else if ( a[0] == 'x'&&a[3] == 'x'&&a[6]=='x') { printf("\n%s win the math",p1name); gameover = 0; } else if ( a[1] == 'x'&&a[4] == 'x'&&a[7]=='x') { printf("\n%s win the math",p1name); gameover = 0; } else if ( a[2] == 'x'&&a[5] == 'x'&&a[8]=='x') { printf("\n%s win the math",p1name); gameover = 0; } else if ( a[0] == 'x'&&a[4] == 'x'&&a[8]=='x') { printf("\n%s win the math",p1name); gameover = 0; } else if ( a[2] == 'x'&&a[4] == 'x'&&a[6]=='x') { printf("\n%s win the mathh",p1name); gameover = 0; } //player2 if ( a[0] == '0'&&a[1] == '0'&&a[2]=='0') { printf("\n%s win the math",p2name); gameover = 0; } else if(a[3] == '0'&&a[4] == '0'&&a[5]=='0' ){ printf("\n%s win the math",p2name); gameover = 0 ; } else if ( a[6] == '0'&&a[7] == '0'&&a[8]=='0') { printf("\n%s win the math",p2name); gameover = 0 ; } else if ( a[0] == '0'&&a[3] == '0'&&a[6]=='0') { printf("\n%s win the math",p2name); gameover = 0 ; } else if ( a[1] == '0'&&a[4] == '0'&&a[7]=='0') { printf("\n%s win the math",p2name); gameover = 0 ; } else if ( a[2] == '0'&&a[5] == '0'&&a[8]=='0') { printf("\n%s win the math",p2name); gameover = 0 ; } else if ( a[0] == '0'&&a[4] == '0'&&a[8]=='0') { printf("\n%s win the math",p2name); gameover = 0 ; } else if ( a[2] == '0'&&a[4] == '0'&&a[6]=='0') { printf("\n%s win the math",p2name); gameover = 0; } //123,456,789,147,258,369,159,357 //012,345,678,036,147,258,048,246 }
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